Immigration Services

What is Immigration Services?

Our immigration services will assist your company in handling all the administrative work during the entire visa application process. The entire visa application process will consume a lot of your team’s time to handle internally. Thus, the alternative way will be to outsource those work to us to have better cost-effectiveness.

Types of Pass

Employment Pass The Employment Pass (EP) is a work permit that enables an expatriate to take up employment with an organisation in Malaysia.
Dependant Pass Employment Pass holders are eligible to apply for a Dependant Pass (DP) for their spouses, children under 18 years of age, legally adopted children under 18 years of age, or parents.
Special Pass The Special Pass (SP) is a temporary pass which is issued by the Immigration Department to allow foreign nationals to extend their stay in Malaysia due to ‘special’ circumstances


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Read more about Expats Visa

Must be registered with:

a. The Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) under Companies Act 1965; OR
b. The Registry of Societies Malaysia (ROS) under the Organization Act 1966; OR
c. Other bodies (e.g. co-operatives) registered under the relevant laws of Malaysia.

100% Local Owned RM250,000
Joint Venture (minimum foreign equity is 30%) RM350,000
100% Foreign Owned RM500,000

Foreign-owned companies (foreign equity at 51% and above) operating in the Wholesales, Retail and Trade (WRT) sectors (mandatory requirement to submit valid WRT license, if applicable) ; OR

Foreign-own companies (foreign equity at 51% and above) involved in the sub sectors on unregulated services.


*Not applicable to incorporated and limited companies, and associations/organisations.

Expatriate Employment Pass applications in the following sectors or regions will still be under the preview of the following Approving Authorities: